Just paste this into your ~/.gitconfig
prompt = true
tool = nvimdiff
[difftool "nvimdiff"]
cmd = "nvim -d \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
Here's a handy function that I use to rename files in VIM (works in MacVIM and Neovim too)
function! RenameFile()
let old_name = expand('%')
let new_name = input('New file name: ', expand('%'), 'file')
if new_name != '' && new_name != old_name
exec ':saveas ' . new_name
exec ':silent !rm ' . old_name
nnoremap n :call RenameFile()
NOTE: I've used
" It means Ctrl-Shift-j
nnoremap :echo "boom"
NOTE: @joe this solves your problem :D
UPDATED: You have to enable CSI code in your terminal; for example; in iterm you have to enable Use modern parser option.
I often move lines around in vim so I have created mappings to make this easier.
These map to ⌘-j for move down and ⌘-k for move up. Works in normal, insert, and visual modes.
In terminal
vim todo.txt
Colon (:) (lowercase) q vim :q
Just don't use MacVim @joe :D
This is obviously a joke, it's impossible to quit Vim.