Avoiding single points of failure - In the age of cloud computing, it is difficult to find a reason not to make your products highly-available, and most services provide it out-of-the-box. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't still plan for it.
A brief introduction of iOS Coordinator pattern
Learn two techniques in Codable
Using EventBus in Vue.js for a simple flux architecture.
An introduction to MediatorLiveData and Transformations to build reactive patterns with LiveData.
In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to use coroutine in order to - Chain multiple network request - Create parallel network requests and process the responses when all of them are finished.
Kotlin allows Interface to have code which means a class can implement an Interface, and inherit the behavior from it.
How we built and use UI automation to snap full view hierarchies of the app in each page and export them to a Sketch file.
This is why I think Commit Messages matter and how they can help you become a better developer.
Don’t we all love Javascript?