React is good and we love using it but we just don't want it inside our compiled HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
I've been using form objects for a long time and have found myself using the same patterns over and over so I developed this small library to do the groundwork for you.
Cluttering ActiveRecord models with methods intended for the views is bad practice and a code smell. Presenters introduce a layer of abstraction between our models and views to help create a more maintainable app.
“The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer.” - IBM founder Thomas J. Watson
We hear this kind of thing often from customers, usually ones who run high volume consumer-focussed businesses where any amount of downtime is unacceptable.
There are various approaches to set the OnClickListener to a RecyclerView item. Here is one of the approaches that I consider to be the best practice.
Know what others expect of you when contributing to a ‘Pitch Presentation’
Enthusiastically alleviating complex design system's hiccups, one effective team-wide workaround at a time. (Part 3 of 3)
Enthusiastically alleviating complex design system's hiccups, one effective team-wide workaround at a time. (Part 1 of 3)
Enthusiastically alleviating complex design system's hiccups, one effective team-wide workaround at a time. (Part 2 of 3)